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unified vs fragmented
march 2021
digital graphics

The creation of these two pieces comes from a desire to use the same methodology to achieve two different narratives. The top digital piece is characterized by its uniformity and uninterrupted repetition. This repetition comes from the multiple sets of two squares and two circles evenly spaced out in grid form. This visual repetition provides a space for the viewer’s eyes to see a pattern beginning to form. The color scheme continues to emphasize this unified image as the colors of the rainbow draw your eyes in a snake formation from the top left at the first red, to the right where the green is, then back to the left where the blue is, and so on, until reaching the red at the bottom left once again.
The bottom version is visually disjointed and haphazard. This image was also created with the same colors and only circles and squares. The disorganized nature comes from slicing the image diagonally, then rotating and flipping the various parts so they no longer align properly. I conducted this multiple times in order to overly separate and pull apart the shapes so that they no longer only read as circles and squares, but new forms and sharp corners are created. What interests me most is that both pieces only use circles and squares, as well as the same colors, but they have completely different meanings.
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